Great Remedies for Bladder Infections

Urinary tract infections are the most common types of bladder infections. They develop when bacteria enter through the urethra and reach the bladder. Urethra is a tube that removes urine from the body. If bacteria enter the urethra, they attach to the bladder walls and increase their number by multiplying urinary tract infection causing a sudden urge to urinate. Abdominal cramps and pain while urinating are also some symptoms attached to urinary tract infection. If the infection is left untreated, it could be life-threatening. The infection could spread to the blood or the kidneys. 

Some effective remedies to treat urinary infections are as follows. However, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor rather than treating the infection at home.

Remedies for bladder infections

  • Consumption of water: Water will flush out the bacteria from the bladder and this will help treat the infection faster. Water will dilute the urine and urinating will be less painful. 
  • Antibiotics: Consult your doctor who will prescribe antibiotics that will kill the bacteria that are the cause of the urinary tract infection. 
  • Use of pain relievers: Severe infection can cause pain in the pelvic region and pain relievers might be helpful. They will also provide relief from abdominal cramps and back pain. You should consult your doctor before taking these. 
  • Urinate frequently: Urinating frequently will help to reduce the infection. Bacteria will not get time to multiply. 
  • Heating pads: Application of low heat pads around the abdominal region or back will provide relief from the pain that is caused due to a bladder infection.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothes: Tight clothes trap the moisture that becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. It is advised to wear loose and comfortable clothes to prevent bacterial growth. 
  • Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice is known to prevent bladder infection. Cranberry tablets are also available and can be taken by women who frequently suffer from urinary tract infection. However, remember to consult your doctor first! 

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